Assalamualaikum and a very very good day to everyone!
Today is 26 April 2011.
Guess what? Today is my birthday of the year!! Yuhuuu...
huhu.. =)
First and foremost, I would like to thank my mum, mama, who had delivered me 24 years ago in HUSM Kubang Kerian, Kelantan. Thanks for raising me up with full of love and care.
To my dad, abah, thanks for supporting me and encouraging me all the time. I'm mostly influenced by your positive thoughts and characteristics.
To both my parents, there's a lot of things that I owe you since I was born till now and as long as I'm still alive. The owe that can never be paid with words or anything in this world. Thanks for sending me to school and providing me with good education.
While other people out there hate me, or talk bad about me, or I was deeply stress up and down, both of you always be really close to support me from giving up.
When I was really sick (2006) and feeling that I have nothing anymore to do in this world, both of you left everything just to be with me and ensured that I'm ok, supported me and motivated me until I came back again and again.
Thanks for everything. I will never forget those memories and I will never turn down your hope in me.
Please forgive all my sins and I always hope for your blessings and doa's for my survival in this world and hereafter.
I pray that both of you will always be healthy, happy and blessed. =)

It's such a great feeling for me when receiving wishes and doa's from friends, teachers/lecturers and family members in facebook, sms and phone call, Blackerry Messenger (BBM), and Yahoo Messenger (YM) since last night.
I appreciate those and will reply all one by one, InsyaAllah.
Interestingly, today is the day that my age turns to 24.
For a guy, I might be still too young at this kind of age.
And my life will just begin again after I graduate from my bachelor degree course.
I'm happy that I'm going to face a new phase of my life as time passed by.
I'm satisfied with my life and always looking forward to be better.
For this blog post, special and first ever,
I would like to share with you guys, some pictures of mine while I was small.
While I was still innocent small boy.. =p
Peace! =)

Lastly, Happiest Birthday Nizam Malek.
Be happy & positive always.
Be something good for everyone, keep learning and never give up. =)
Thanks for reading this! =D
havva great great great life, present and future, dude!
Moga Allah merahmati kamu.
ps:eh kita kongsi satu horoscope bloh.hahahaha..
Huhu, thanks for reading this.
Semoga Allah merahmati kamu juga.
Taurus! =)
nice pic! innocent sgt tuh~
Ap yg innocent sgt tu Sarah.. =p
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