Salam all, today was my last day in Production Department for industrial attachment kat Royce Pharma. Sekejap je, 8 hari berlalu. Rase macam baru semalam start industrial attachment kat situ (typical sentence, hehe).
Hmm, so for this post, boleh lah aku sharekan sikit pengalaman 8 hari di production department. Basically, production department is the core department in a manufacturing company/factory sebab department ni yang bertanggungjawab untuk achieve target penghasilan produk yang akan dijual kepada customers.
Kat production office, almost all managers, executives dan clerks sangat baik. Walaupun selalu sibuk, diorg akan senyum dan tegur bila berselisih. Sometimes aku dibawa ke production floor untuk diberi penerangan berkaitan proses penghasilan sesuatu produk. Setiap kali dibawa ke production floor, aku betul-betul dapat faham proses yang dilakukan dan lepas tu, lebih mudahlah nak faham document standard of procedure.
Selain tu, aku jugak ada join few training session dengan staff company. First training berkaitan document security dan yang terakhir dengan Regulatory Department Executive. Lepas training tu macam ade discussion or Q&A session, so macam2 persoalan boleh diberi keterangan yang lebih jelas.
Ok, kat Royce Pharma, aku masuk pukul 8 pg dan balik pkl 6 ptg. Mula-mula rase lame lah sangat. Lunyai.. Tapi lepas beberape hari, tak rase sangat dah, sebab ade macbook datang meneman.. Hehe.. Aku mule diberi few typing assignment dan aktiviti macam tu dapat lah jugak memakan mase yang ade.. Kalau tak mesti bosan je..
Time lunch pukul 12.30 tgh hr sampai 1.30 ptg. Makanan kat cafe sangat sedap, siap ade subsidi lagi lah.. hehe.. then lepas makan lepak kat surau sambil tunggu masuk waktu zuhur dalam lebih kurang pukul 1.20 ptg. Dah jadi macam rutin harian lah.. =p
Ohye, mase kat production department, ade student AIMST, Esya. So most of the time bile g training, ke production floor or RnD lab, kite akan g sesame. Kire ade kawan lah. Tapi attachment die tamat 13 July ni bersamaan esok.
So lepas ni hanye aku sendiri yang terus buat attachment at each department. Anyway, I have new pharmacy student friends from AIMST, and this is one step ahead for good networking in future working life.
Cakap pasal working life, I would like to add a bit on what I have learnt. I could see the real working life. Berbeza ngan dunia study. For working life, discipline and right attitude are the best criteria to be worn all the time. With great discipline, work can be done efficiently and with right attitude, you will be able to build up good relationship with other colleagues and then may reduce the stress of working. Working under stress can be a real mess, right? =)
As for industrial attachment purposes, I could see the contribution of pharmacists in manufacturing company. It's true that this has been a great experience for me in industrial field which I used to know nothing about it that made me felt nothing great on it.
Anyway, it just been a week plus for me. To be frank, i need more time and deeper exposure to really evaluate the excitement or nightmares working in industrial area as a pharmacist. Nonetheless, it has been a great first impression for me, i like. =)
Ok lepas ni, I will be placed in the QA department. QA department ni sangat penting untuk memastikan segala proses production mematuhi piawaian GMP. It should be a very important and interesting department as well to be covered.
For the time being, just can say bye2 to production department and thank you very much, see you guys again. :'D
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