Friday, December 10, 2010

Bye-bye Exam, It's holidays!

Hye semua, bertemu kembali. Apa khabar? =)

Alhamdulillah, saya baru saja selesai menjalani peperiksaan akhir untuk sem ke tujuh. Sekejap je kan 2 minggu berlalu. Macam mana dengan dengan exam tu? Huhu, nama pun final exam tahun akhir, mestilah susah dan... susah.. =p.

Hari first bermula dengan paper Clinical Pharmacy 2. Saya rasa ini paper yang terbaik yang saya jawab untuk final exam kali ni. Erm, bukan soalannya senang, ada juga yang susa, tapi boleh lah. Prof cakap, paper Clinical Pharmacy ni biasanya senang nak lulus, tapi payah nak score A. Mostly soalannya adalah berbentuk clinical case dan memerlukan jawapan yang tepat kepada permasalahan yang timbul. Jadi kalau hafal-hafal slides tu kira tak cukup sesuai lah untuk Clinical Pharmacy 2.

Exam kedua pula untuk Pharmacy Practice 3. Paper ni saya namakan dia 'Paper of uncertainty'. Sebabnya, sampai ke malam sebelum examnya, tak dapat agak soalan macam mana yang akan keluar. Memang ada study objectives or topic guidelines, tapi macam tak nampak je macam mana bentuk soalannya. Tu yang bila nak tidur tak lelap2.. Hehe.. Pagi nya rasa cuak macam tak pernah prepare pape. Memang bahaya gak arr.. =p

Then paper yang ke 3 adalah Pharmacy Management and Administration. Satu-satunya paper berjam kredit 2 manakalaa paper yang lain semua jam kredit 3. Tapi soalannya agak killer juga. Ada few soalan calculations, tapi jawab macam sure tak sure je.

Minggu seterusnya, cabaran sebenar bermula. Isnin paper Clinical Pharmacokinetics. For me, paper ni paling susah antara semua. Kepala akan rasa nak terpecah sikit bila cuba nak jawab bab calculation dan kalau tak pecah, akan rasa macam ada benda bergerak-gerak dalam otak. Itulah dia antara side effect paper Clinical Pharmacokinetics. Oh satu lagi, kalau kepala tak pecah, mungkin scientific calculator yang meletup.. heheh..

Dan paper bertulis yang terakhir adalah untuk subjek Quality Control. Rasanya, paper ni tak lah susah sangat malah mencabar, cuma mungkin terlalu banyak fakta yang perlu diingat sampai akhirnya banyak term-term mudah terlupa macam tu je. Tapi I like the questions on Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) which is on the factory layout. Boleh goreng dengan seronoknya. Hmm, just for me, I think overall I didnt do the best for Quality Control paper. If my result drop from this paper, I might deserve it, ohh.. =I

After finished written paper, the next day was for OSCE. A lot of friends especially from MBBS and pharmacy juniors asked, what we had for OSCE. Ok basically OSCE for pharmacy students is something like this;
  • There are 8 rooms located sequently
  • A case is placed in each room
  • The room may contain a patient, just an instruction paper, a doctor, or a phone
  • A student must enter each room, stay for 7 minutes to solve the case inside, and after a ring has been rang, the student needs to leave the room and proceed to the next room
  • If I enter a room, and I see a patient with a paper of the patient's case, I need to read the patient's case first and respond to patient's problems accordingly
  • Some of the cases are set for drugs counseling, identify drug related problem which needs clarification with the doctor, responding to symptoms in a community pharmacy and specific illness management
  • About the phone, someone will make a call from outside and asks for information regarding medication. The 'someone' can be a doctor, nurse, pharmacist or even a patient itself; and the student has to gather all the needed information in order to give the best assistance/information to the requester. This is one of the special service in pharmacy practice and it is called, Drug Information Service (DIS)
  • After leaving the 8th room, the student will be free and need to leave the OSCE area
  • The whole duration for the OSCE (complete 8 rooms) is around 1 hour
  • One fact about OSCE is, it's very challenging, but it's very interesting and can make the students enjoy the moment and learn faster in terms of Pharmacy Practice

Huhu, alright, basically macam tu lah OSCE. Susah, menakutkan dan mungkin juga boleh menjatuhkan semangat. Tapi I would say that, it's very very interesting and I always prefer this than written examination. =D We were really excited bila da habis OSCE and we shared the experiences among us. It's really memorable for our undergrad times.

Ok, so lepas habis je OSCE, bermakna tamat lah sudah semester ke tujuh ni. Merdeka, banzai! Lepas ni kami akan bercuti selama sebulan dan akan masuk mendaftar semula untuk semester terakhir (semester ke lapan) pada 10 Januari 2011. Jadi sudah tiba masanya untuk bersenyum dan berrelax.. =D hehehe..

Ohya, saya dah janji nak ceritakan pengalaman menyertai QS MBA Tour 2010 dan Seminar by Dr Irfan Khairi kan? So tunggu kan post seterusnya dan saya akan kongsikan informasi-informasi menarik berkaitan 2 events tersebut. So stay tuned!


nana said...

meletup x calculator tu??

Nizam Malek on December 10, 2010 at 11:09 PM said...

Huhu.. Meletup gak lah.. Calculator pun xdapat terima hakikat.. heheh..

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