Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Research presentation & Viva forever~

Yuhuu.. seperti yang saya inform dalam post sebelum ni, 11 dan 12 Januari 2011 yang lepas adalah tarikh keramat bagi pelajar tahun akhir farmasi CUCMS iaitu hari untuk presentation research dan viva (sebutnya vaiva ya.. =)).

Orite untuk post ni, I would like to share with all of you about my experience regarding the research presentation and viva tu.

Research presentation

For research presentation, I was put in the second group (clinical group) even though my study is more towards social based study. But it's ok, I took the challenge and presented as usual. I was the 4th speaker. I think it's good to be the speaker in early session while the examiners and audience were still fresh.

What I did before the presentation? Ok, the presentation was scheduled sharp at 9am. So I went as early as 8am and tested my slides on the projector. It's important to ensure everything was in the right order. Almaklumlah, I edited the slides by using macbook and possibly the margin would change when the file was opened in windows.

Bila da pasti semue aspek teknikal berkaitan slides dah ok, saya pun walk around, ambik nafas dan tenang kan diri. I did sms my parents and informed that I was going to present my research project that morning. Then my dad called and gave some tips regarding the best way to make oral presentation. That's the best encouragement and motivation for me.

Then, time arrived for the presentation. Previously I got an idea to put the picture of mine, supervisor, and co-supervisor in the first slide as introduction. The audience laughed and It was funny, but I regard that as an 'ice-breaking' session with the audience. Personally, I think it works.. =p

I had 25 slides and I had to finish the presentation within 7 minutes. For me, I did not feel nervous when it came to talking in front of people. The soft skills that I used during the presentation were voice projection, eye contact and minimizing the body movement. Thanks for the last night preparation and I managed to make it, just nice before the 2nd bell rang.

Nak tahu how did i prepare my self? Senang je, just duduk depan laptop, set the time, talk and visualize that i was presenting the slides in front of the audience. I visualized it clearly, frequently and in long time of period. Mula-mula memang gagap2 dan finished the slides in 12 minutes. Tapi bila da ulang banyak kali, ia jadi lancar dan dapat set sehingga 7 minit sahaja. Sangat interesting praktis sendiri cam tu. Tapi rumate tengok pelik je lah kan.. (rumate saya name Ilyas).. =p

Orite after finishing the 7 minutes presentation. The session was opened for Questions and Answers. I got questions from Mr Ather, Madam Ryzah (my mentor =)) and also Prof Ros. The questions were related to my presentation and I managed to respond accordingly. Hope jawapan saya tu diterimalah =p.

3 kali loceng berbunyi dan tamatlah 10 minit research presentation tu. Rasa amat lega yang semuanya dah selesai. Jadi badan pun rasa ringan skit lah. =)

Research Viva

Ok my research viva was scheduled on 12 Januari 2011 at 12pm. Research viva ni dikendalikan begini. Bila tiba masanya, student akan dipanggil masuk ke bilik viva. Dalam bilik viva tu ada 3 orang, iaitu our research supervior as the moderator, 1 internal examiner dan 1 examiner. For my viva, the moderator was my co-supervisor, Madam Aslinda Jamil, while the internal examiner was Dr Hamid and the external examiner was Ms Lee Yee Lan, a community pharmacist from Malacca.

After warm greeting, moderator would firstly introduce the student and the examiners. Then the moderator would read the instruction on how the viva session would be conducted so that the students and examiners understand the flow.

For the first 5 minutes, student was given the chance to briefly explain the basic idea of the research project. So student kena la sembang sorang-sorang, apa sahaja berkaitan research project yang telah dilakukan. Basically same je macam research presentation sebelum ni, tapi cuma bezanya, ia dilakukan tanpa bantuan slides.

Student boleh lah cakap pasal title, objectives, methodology, result dan conclusion secara ringkas dan padat. Student kena guna peluang ini untuk tunjukkan yang student faham berkaitan research project yang dilakukan secara keseluruhan.

Selepas dah selesai buat 5 minute presentation, examiners akan diberi peluang untuk bertanya apa sahaja soalan berkaitan research project tersebut kepada pelajar. So di sini, student mestilah mendengar dengan jelas soalan yang dikemukan dan dengan secepatnya berfikir untuk memberi jawapan yang paling bernas dan lojik.

Mungkin ada sebahagian daripada kawan-kawan yang mengatakan research viva adalah medan untuk ditembak di mana examiners akan mencari apa sahaja kesalahan yang mungkin wujud di dalam research write up kita. Tetapi kalau boleh, jangan berfikiran negatif dengan menganggap examiners cuba untuk menggagalkan kita.

Sebaliknya, tukar kepada pemikiran yang positif bahawa examiners tidak memahami sesuatu bahagian di dalam research write up kita dan minta penjelasan. Jadi cubalah sedaya upaya untuk memberi penjelasan yang wajar dan membantu examiners untuk memahami research write up kita.

My external examiners ada juga tanya soalan-soalan yang 'kaw' berkaitan methodology research saya. Tapi alhamdulillah semuanya dapat dijawab sebab kebanyakkannya research saya disokong secara statistik oleh journal dan research terdahulu. Thanks to my supervisor yang telah 'menurunkan' pengalamannya berkaitan supporting journal di dalam research write up. I hope my answers have satisfied the examiners and they were willing to accept the rational of every limitation in my research project.

Selepas tamatnya viva tersebut, research write up daripada examiners akan diserahkan semula kepada student untuk proses pembetulan sebelum ianya dihantar kepada fakulti dalam format yang finalized dalam tempoh 2 minggu selepas viva.

Alhamdullilah semuanya kini telah berakhir dan bolehlah berehat sikit setelah kuat bekerja sepanjang proses menyiapkan research project ni. For me, I have given my everything for this research project dan sanggup berkorban banyak benda untuk memastikan research project ini dihasilkan dalam kualiti yang terbaik.

Sudah semestinya ucapan terima kasih kepada semua yang membantu dan sokongan kalian selama ini amat dihargai. Saya akan terus updatekan berkaitan research project ini sehingga ke akhirnya dan saya harapkan anda semua dapat mendoakan kejayaan yang cemerlang pada keputusan akhir research project saya dan kawan-kawan yang lain. Terima kasih. =)

To make it more memorable, let's enjoy Viva Forever by Spice Girls. Special for you guys. =)


Anonymous said...

heyy..nice sharing.. :))

congratulation nizam!
alhamdulillah, ur hard work hd been paid with a great presentation..glad to hear it went well as plan.. :))

congratulation again :))

keep up d good work :))

Nizam Malek on January 12, 2011 at 11:42 PM said...

Hye there, thanks for dropping by. =)

It's all about the support from the people around me. =)

Unknown on January 12, 2011 at 11:44 PM said...

haha second!

congratz bro. i always know you can do it. believe in Allah and He'll take you through any challange :)

Nizam Malek on January 12, 2011 at 11:48 PM said...

Ahmad = Ilyas

Thanks! =p

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